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Hot Stone Massage

Tummy Candling

Candling is a non-invasive and alternative method of healing that balances body functions and creates a sense of relaxation.

What is Tummy Candling?

Tummy Candling is a natural, non-invasive treatment that uses the heat of a candle to gently release toxins and improve circulation. This therapy has been practiced for thousands of years and is considered to be one of the safest ways to unblock any negative energy.


How Tummy Candling Works?

The candle is used as a gentle heat source, which gently warms up the body's blocked energy channels, releasing tension or pain in those areas. With no water or oils used in this process, the entire treatment is safe for people of all ages and skin types.

Unique benefits of Tummy Candling

The procedure of tummy candle involves using a special candle that has been lit. The person who is doing the procedure will then place the lit candle on the stomach and move it in circular motions around the stomach area. The heat from the candle will help to break down fat cells and promote weight loss. Tummy Candling also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which is another factor in weight gain.


Tummy Candling

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